How to Upload Company Profile in Yahoo Mail

All the services offered by Yahoo including Mail, Groups, Flickr (Yahoo photo album) etc. tin can be managed through a unmarried profile. On this page you lot will learn how to add a profile photo to the Yahoo account – your actual photograph or a visitor logo. This enables you to personalise the business relationship so that people, especially other Yahoo! account users, would easily identify you through the the flick.

These instructions are primarily for beginners and include screenshots. Please refer to them in instance of doubts. If y'all face up a trouble, send me a message.

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Yahoo Profiles page

Log in at the Yahoo profiles page – or click on that link. The folio looks quite similar to the Yahoo Mail login page – in fact, it'southward exactly the same (at the time of writing). Enter your user ID and password to sign in at your account.

You lot shall run into a welcome message which kind of hides the remainder of the folio. Un-checking the two options in this window will make your contour private – people would non exist able to search for you and your information will not be shared. I suggest you exit these as they are and click on the "Continue" button.

The welcome message displayed when you login at your Yahoo Profiles page

On the adjacent screen, type in your interests such as hobbies and what yous love to practice; separate these with the comma punctuation mar which makes logical sense, right? Hit "Continue" to move forward.

A snapshot of my Yahoo profiles pageYour Yahoo profile page is at present displayed. If you haven't uploaded a photograph before, the infinite reserved for it will contain a placeholder. Click on the "Alter Photograph" or "Add Photo" link which displays a pocket-sized popular-upward.

Using a photograph for your yahoo Profile page

You lot tin take 2 kinds of photos for your Yahoo profiles. The first is the standard "real" photograph / graphic and the second is an Avatar that y'all tin create using the Yahoo service.

Below are instructions for uploading a photograph or any kind of paradigm (such as a visitor logo) from your calculator on the Yahoo profile. Refer how to create an avatar using Yahoo if you want to do in for the other option.

In the modest pop-upwards, click on the "Add together Photograph" link and then on "Cull File" button.

Add photo to your Yahoo Profile

Navigate to the folder on your computer that has the paradigm yous want to add together to the profile. Select the image and enter the wavy security text you encounter in the blank text field. If this text is illegible, click on "Show Some other" link to change it to a new phrase. Click the "Upload" button when done. Delight note that but JPG and PNG file formats are allowed. You cannot upload a GIF (static & animated) or a BMP image.

Steps for upload a photo to your Yahoo profile

Depending on the file size of the paradigm you've chosen and the net connection it might have a few seconds to a couple of minutes for the photo to be uploaded. In one case that'southward done, you should run across the image with an overlaying selection marquee. Move the sides of the section to make up one's mind how you lot want the photo to be displayed in your profile. For instance, in the example screenshots, I've added my web site logo photo to my Yahoo profile. Once satisfied, click on the "Crop" push.

Crop the uploaded photo for the profile page

Choosing the photograph to use for Yahoo Profiles page

The new epitome you've uploaded will now be shown. Make certain you select information technology so that it gets an orange border and then hit the "Employ Selected Photo" button. As you lot would have guessed, multiple photos can be uploaded to the Yahoo contour only, unfortunately, only i can be active (used) at a given time.

Select the photo you want to use on your Yahoo profile by clicking on it and then hitting the Use Selected button

That's it! You shall now see a new photo / epitome in your Yahoo Profiles folio.


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