Write a Program That Reads Student Scores Gets the Best Score and Then Assigns Grades

Program to Assign grades to a student using Nested If Else

Given an integer array marks, which comprises of marks scored by a student (out of 100) in different subjects, the task is to assign a grade to the student. The grade is found out by taking the percentage of the marks scored by the student. The percentage is calculated as:

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The grade is assigned using the following rules:

Percentage Grade
90 and above A
80 to 89 B
60 to 79 C
33 – 59 D
below 33 F


Input: marks = { 25, 65, 46, 98, 78, 65 }
Output: C
Input: marks = { 95, 88, 98, 93, 92, 96 }
Output: A


  • Initialize a variable to sum all the marks scored by the student, total to 0.
  • Initialize a variable to store the grade of the student, grade to 'F'.
  • First, we iterate through the marks array and find the total marks scored by the student.
  • Then, we apply the formula described above to calculate the percentage.
  • We then make a nested if else construct to assign proper grade to the student.

For more on decision making and different types of decision making constructs, refer Decision Making in Java.
Below is the implementation of the above approach:



using namespace std;

int main()


int marks[] = { 25, 65, 46, 98, 78, 65 };

int len = sizeof (marks) / sizeof (marks[0]);

int max_marks = len * 100;

int total = 0;

char grade = 'F' ;

for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++)


total += marks[i];


double percentage = (( double )(total) / max_marks) * 100;

if (percentage >= 90)


grade = 'A' ;




if (percentage >= 80 && percentage <= 89)


grade = 'B' ;




if (percentage >= 60 && percentage <= 79)


grade = 'C' ;




if (percentage >= 33 && percentage <= 59)


grade = 'D' ;




grade = 'F' ;





cout << (grade) << endl;;



class GFG {

public static void main(String args[])


int marks[] = { 25 , 65 , 46 , 98 , 78 , 65 };

int max_marks = marks.length * 100 ;

int total = 0 ;

char grade = 'F' ;

for ( int i = 0 ; i < marks.length; i++) {

total += marks[i];


double percentage

= (( double )(total) / max_marks) * 100 ;

if (percentage >= 90 ) {

grade = 'A' ;


else {

if (percentage >= 80 && percentage <= 89 ) {

grade = 'B' ;


else {

if (percentage >= 60 && percentage <= 79 ) {

grade = 'C' ;


else {

if (percentage >= 33 && percentage <= 59 ) {

grade = 'D' ;


else {

grade = 'F' ;









if __name__ = = "__main__" :

marks = [ 25 , 65 , 46 , 98 , 78 , 65 ]

max_marks = len (marks) * 100

total = 0

grade = 'F'

for i in range ( len (marks)):

total + = marks[i]

percentage = ((total) / max_marks) * 100

if (percentage > = 90 ):

grade = 'A'

else :

if (percentage > = 80 and

percentage < = 89 ) :

grade = 'B'

else :

if (percentage > = 60 and

percentage < = 79 ) :

grade = 'C'

else :

if (percentage > = 33 and

percentage < = 59 ) :

grade = 'D'

else :

grade = 'F'

print (grade)


using System;

class GFG


public static void Main()


int []marks = { 25, 65, 46, 98, 78, 65 };

int max_marks = marks.Length * 100;

int total = 0;

char grade = 'F' ;

for ( int i = 0; i < marks.Length; i++)


total += marks[i];


double percentage = (( double )(total) /

max_marks) * 100;

if (percentage >= 90)


grade = 'A' ;




if (percentage >= 80 && percentage <= 89)


grade = 'B' ;




if (percentage >= 60 && percentage <= 79)


grade = 'C' ;




if (percentage >= 33 && percentage <= 59)


grade = 'D' ;




grade = 'F' ;










$marks = array (25, 65, 46, 98, 78, 65);

$max_marks = sizeof( $marks ) * 100;

$total = 0;

$grade = 'F' ;

for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $marks ); $i ++)


$total += $marks [ $i ];


$percentage = (( $total ) / $max_marks ) * 100;

if ( $percentage >= 90)


$grade = 'A' ;




if ( $percentage >= 80 && $percentage <= 89)


$grade = 'B' ;




if ( $percentage >= 60 && $percentage <= 79)


$grade = 'C' ;




if ( $percentage >= 33 && $percentage <= 59)


$grade = 'D' ;




$grade = 'F' ;





echo $grade . "\n" ;




let marks=[25, 65, 46, 98, 78, 65];

let max_marks = marks.length * 100;

let total = 0;

let grade = 'F' ;

for (let i = 0; i < marks.length; i++) {

total += marks[i];


let percentage

= ((total) / max_marks) * 100;

if (percentage >= 90) {

grade = 'A' ;


else {

if (percentage >= 80 && percentage <= 89) {

grade = 'B' ;


else {

if (percentage >= 60 && percentage <= 79) {

grade = 'C' ;


else {

if (percentage >= 33 && percentage <= 59) {

grade = 'D' ;


else {

grade = 'F' ;







Write a Program That Reads Student Scores Gets the Best Score and Then Assigns Grades

Source: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/program-to-assign-grades-to-a-student-using-nested-if-else/

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